Monday, April 4, 2011

Mongodb and Zend Framework using Mongo php library

Here you can use Mongodb(NoSql) database with Zend Framework using Mongo php library. I have created three classes Custom_Mongo_Instance, Custom_Mongo_Db and Custom_Mongo_Collection extending Mongo, MongoDB and MongoCollection respectively. So that you can overrides its methods easily.

First download mongo library for php from here

Step 1 : Custom_Mongo_Instanc

class Custom_Mongo_Instance extends Mongo
public function __construct( $server = "mongodb://localhost:27017", $options = array("connect" => TRUE) ) {
parent::__construct($server, $options);
Step 2 : Custom_Mongo_Db

class Custom_Mongo_Db extends MongoDB
public function __construct( Mongo $conn, $name ) {
parent::__construct( $conn, $name );
Step 3 : Custom_Mongo_Collection

class Custom_Mongo_Collection extends MongoCollection
public function __construct ( $name, $db = null ){
if($db == null) $db = Zend_Registry::get('mongoDB');
parent::__construct ( $db , $name );

public function insert( array $a, $options = array())
$a['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i');
parent::insert( $a, $options);

Step 4 : Usage

$cnn = "mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017";
$mongo = new Custom_Mongo_Instance($cnn);
$mongoDB = new Custom_Mongo_Db($mongo, "dbname");
}catch(Exception $e){echo $e->getMessage();exit;}

$collection = new Custom_Mongo_Collection("my_collection", $mongoDB);
$data['first_name'] = "Ritesh";
$data['last_name'] = "jha"

Thats all. Now you can check the data either using mongo console or some third party GUI admin tools.